COL Charles Lewis

Commanded 1774

Born March 11, 1736 - Died October 10, 1774 (KIA)


     Born March 11, 1736 at Lewis Fort near Staunton, Virginia, Charles Lewis was the only American-born son of John and Margaret Lynn Lewis who fled County Doregal, Ireland to settle in the Valley of Virginia. Beloved brother of Thomas, Andrew, William and Margaret Lynn, Charles was active in the defense of Virginia at a very young age.

     At age 23, he led 150 men in the pursuit of Cornstalk after the Shawnee's first known raid at Kerr's Creek on October 10, 1759.

     He married New York-born Sarah Murray in 1761, and they made their home at the 950 acre Fort Lewis Plantation on the Cowpasture River, in what is now Bath County of Virginia.  He became the County Lieutenant for Augusta after 1770 and was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1773 to 1774.

     Again to the service of his country, Lewis was called to command of the Augusta County Regiment at Point Pleasant during Lord Dunmore's War. He led the initial attack of 150 officers and men into the Battle of Point Pleasant on the morning of October 10, 1774 against Cornstalk and the Confederacy of Indian Nations. There he fell, mortally wounded, and died in his tent around noon. His last words were "I have sent one of the enemy to Eternity before me." He was buried with his fellow slain officers in 'the magazine' on October 10, 1774.

     Lewis was mourned by the entire Valley of Virginia, but mostly by his grieving widow and five children at Fort Lewis: Elizabeth, Margaret Lynn, John, Andrew and Charles Cameron. Had he lived, he undoubtedly would have been one of the most acclaimed officers of his time. Instead, he fell at "the Point" at the age of 38, leading the charge of the Virginians in the first battle of the American Revolution.

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Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated December 12, 2001
Copyright 2001