LTG Archibald A. Sproul
(Shown here as a Major General)

Commanded 1952-1959
Born ?

LTG Sproul was born & raised on his family's-farm in the Shenandoah Valley. He graduated from Washington and Lee University in 1937. He is a former owner & operator of Poca Dot Farm.

He has been a board member of the Rotary Club, Columbia Gas, Alaska Interstate, Virginia Military Institute, one of the founders of the Frontier'Culture Museum in Staunton, and has served as a president of the United Way, the YMCA, the SPCA, and other organizations.


Served in WWII in L-116th, Service Company 116th, Headquarters Company 116th, HQ 3-116th and was awarded the DSC for gallantry and effective leadership on D-Day.  Twice wounded he was transferred to the staff of the Inspector General of the 4th Division after the second wound.  Former commander of the 29th Infantry Division.


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Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated March 13, 2005
Copyright 2001 & 2005