The Stonewall News
A Publication of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.



Winter 2002/2003                                                                                       

Volume 2 Number 2


Serving the 116th Infantry Regiment and Its Members Worldwide


Brigadier General (Ret) William G. "Buckie" Fore, Jr., Publisher
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Lewis "Kent" Carter, Editor
Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent K. "Hobie" Parslow, Web Editor


CHANGES & CORRECTIONS - If you have any request for change or correction for the staff of this newsletter, please submit them in writing to: 116th Inf. Regiment Foundation, Inc., 500 Thornrose Avenue, Staunton, VA 24401-0500



By:  MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon, Honorary Colonel 116th Infantry Regiment



By:  CSM (Ret) Robert Kuykendall

Regiment To Get New Museum Building

By:  MG (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel




Museum Gets New Items For Display

By:  MAJ Jimmy Kilbourne


Staunton Unit Among Several From Virginia National Guard To Deploy

From Richmond Newsleader, January 6, 2003


Opening Holes Played In Rain


Normandy Allies Program 2003 (Update)

By: LTC (Ret) Pete Combee


The "Book Report" - Captain Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library

By: SFC (Ret) Barent Parslow 



By: SFC (Ret) Barent Parslow


By:  COL Robert Simpson, Commanding





By:  MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon, Honorary Colonel 116th Infantry Regiment


  The 116th Infantry Regiment ("Stonewall Brigade") and 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. just completed the 35th Annual Muster at the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory in Staunton on Saturday, November 9, 2002. The event was deemed a success by those in attendance, due to the combined efforts of many dedicated, hard working individuals.  The Muster was opened by COL (Ret) Buddy Faulconer, 116th Infantry Regiment Executive Officer and President of the Regimental Foundation. The Posting of Colors was by representatives of the Fishburn Military School. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by CSM (Ret) Robert P. Kuykendall, Command Sergeant Major of the 116th Regimental Staff. The Pledge was written by Red Skelton, who recorded his recollection of one of his teachers'. The National Anthem was performed by Mrs. Judy Amos. The Invocation was conducted by Chaplain (LTC) Joel P. Jenkins. Toasts were presented to the President of the United States, et als, and concluded with a toast to General "Old Jack" Stonewall Jackson, and our Fallen Comrades of the "Stonewall Brigade". An excellent dinner, prepared and served by Beck-N-Call of Staunton, was enjoyed by all.

    The evening was highlighted by the main address of Major General Claude A. Williams. MG Williams was introduced by BG (P) Ted Shuey, Past Commander of the 1st Brigade and, presently, ADC (M) of the 29th ID (L).  The present Adjutant General has served since October 1, 1998. He presented an interesting and thorough summary of the Virginia National Guard for the year 2002. This included a summary of the units presently called to active duty. General Williams also presented framed and covered Normandy Streamers for display in all armories of those units participating in this battle. The Adjutant General presented the Army Legion of Merit to COL (Ret) Buddy Faulconer, who retired from the Virginia Army National Guard. General Williams was presented the print by James Dietz "We Happy Few", depicting the link-up of the 29th; 82nd; 101st; 21st Armor and other Units after D-Day.  He was also presented a bottle of Stonewall Brigade wine.

    We were also honored by the presence of the Vice-Mayor of Staunton and his Wife. He welcomed the attendees to the City of Staunton.

    Another impressive function of the Muster is the Candle Lighting Ceremony in Memoriam for Departed Comrades of the 116th Infantry Regiment.  This ceremony was conducted by Chaplain (LTC) Joel Jenkins.

    The individuals with the earliest enlistment, most recent commissioned officer, the person who traveled the most distance to attend the Muster, all were presented with a bottle of Stonewall Jackson Wine.  The earliest enlistment in 1938 was Chief Warrant Officer (Ret) Charles J. Lillis, currently residing in Winchester, Virginia. 

  Another highlight of the evening was the 116th Infantry Regiment Superior Unit Award for Training Year 2002. The competition was keen this year in that seven units competed for the award.  The winning unit, Unit Company B, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry, located in Woodstock, Va, maintained an average assigned strength at 99% of authorized.  It further maintained 94% of its assigned strength at five digit MOS Qualified and possessed an 85% average retention rate. In addition, as part of Operation Noble Eagle, their soldiers were everyday reminders to the tens of thousands of people who passed through Dulles Airport, of the professionalism of today's citizen-soldiers.  The unit participated in numerous community parades and ceremonies providing color guards, flag details, and platoon-size marching units.  The unit continues to support an Explorer Post and the local military academy. Congratulations to the soldiers of Company B, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry.

  As a highlight to the muster, the 29th Division Band, from Roanoke, Va, provided appropriate music before, during, and after the Muster.  Our thanks and declaration of “a job well done" go out to the excellent musicians of this unit.  We look forward to your continued participation in years to come.

    Another activity at the Muster involved the awarding of several prizes.  First, we drew the winning door prize ticket for a Limited Edition Print.  Next we drew the winning ticket for the Raleigh R300 Touring Bike, which has been offered by the Foundation for the past year.  The winner was SFC (Ret) Barent Parslow of Staunton, Va.

    Also during the Muster, it was my honor and pleasure to welcome many other distinguished guests in attendance. They included:

MG (Ret) Carroll D. Childers, former Commander, 29th ID (L).

Our two newest General Officers in the Virginia Army National Guard:

BG Ronald D. Young, STARC Commander (Immediate Past Commander of the Ist Brigade), with his Wife Linda and BG John Sayers, Assistant Adjutant General, and his Wife Joan. Both are former members of the 116th Infantry.

BG (Ret) William G. "Buckie" Fore, former Chief of Staff, 29th ID (L) and his Wife, Joyce.

BG (Ret) Bruce Grover, former Deputy Commander of the 116th Separate Infantry Brigade.

BG (Ret) Bill Logan, former JAG, 29th ID (L) and his Wife Marian.

BG (Ret) Rodney McNeil, former 1st Brigade Commander and ADC, 29th ID (L) and his Wife, Norma.

COL Steve Huxtable, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Virginia National Guard.

Mr. Frances Bell, Chairman, Valley Committee Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hart, Benefactors for the CPT Randolph Hart Memorial Library.

Staff Sergeant (Ret) Robert Slaughter, Founder of the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Va.

Command Sergeant Major Robert Huffman, Headquarters Virginia National Guard.

Command Sergeant Major Dancy, Headquarters 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry.

Command Sergeant Major Byron Amos Headquarters 429th Forward Support Battalion.                                     

Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Jackson.

And as always, we are honored by the presence of our D-Day Veterans and their wives.

    The Muster was concluded with the Retirement of the Colors and Benediction by Chaplain Joel Jenkins.

    For those who couldn't attend this year's function, we missed you!  For those who made contributions to the Foundation, Thanks!  I bid you:




Regiment To Get New Museum Building

By:  MG (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel

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  The Long-Range Planning Committee has narrowed its focus to one major project.... the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum. We have the land for the museum. The Frontier Culture Museum has agreed to give us 5 acres of land at their location. This land valued at 3 million dollars is a prime location for our proposed museum. It is located near the intersection of two major interstates, 1-64 and 1-81 and is co-located with the very successful Frontier Culture Museum, which would be a real draw for our museum. The City of Staunton is very supportive of our plan for the museum.

    Our architect, Bill Frazier of Staunton, developed several building concepts, which many of you saw at the annual muster and expressed an opinion about which design you liked. Mr. Frazier's firm has now developed a concept drawing and design based on your input. It will be a beautiful building with an armory like appearance and will include a museum display area, a library and an auditorium.

   This museum will preserve the heritage of this famous regiment and will recognize the soldiers throughout the years that have sacrificed so much in the name of freedom. We are planning display areas for all the major periods of the regiment's history, starting with 1742 through today. The anticipated cost of the museum is around 5 million dollars. We have initiated discussions with a fund raising consultant to guide us through the fund raising process. Persons who make significant donations to the museum will be recognized with their name, unit, and dates of service, displayed in the museum on special plaques. Major contributors can have a room named in their honor.

   At this point we need some seed money to hire the consultant and get the fundraising off to a good start. We will be accepting donations from individuals as well as corporations. Your help is needed to identify persons and companies who would be willing to support the museum and receive appropriate recognition. Members of the Regiment have never let the Regiment down, so please help us make this dream come true. Please send your donations and names of potential donors to Major Jim Kilbourne at: 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, 500 Thornrose Avenue, Staunton, Virginia 24401-0500 using the form on page 8 of this newsletter, or E-Mail:



Museum Gets New Items For Display

By:  MAJ Jimmy Kilbourne

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    Mr. John C. Kessler, a 116th Regiment member from Roanoke, VA has presented items to the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum for Display. Mr. Kessler served in the Anti-Tank Company and rose from the ranks through Sergeant to Lieutenant.

    He has presented his original Sergeant's footlocker and some of it's contents to the museum. Included in the trunk, which is painted with the 29th Division emblem and Mr. Kessler's name on top, are his early war riding pants, campaign cover with a 116th Regiment crest and blue infantry cord and black tie. A full color photo shows Mr. Kessler wearing his complete "Class A" uniform with coat and tie. Mr. Kessler included copies of newspaper clippings and photos documenting the Regiment's early endeavors and it's stay at Fort Meade, MD. Many other pieces of uniform and mementos of wartime service were in the trunk as well. These items will be incorporated into the museum's displays in time for the Regiment Muster 8 November 2003.

    Thank you Mr. Kessler, for making this contribution. All members may donate or loan items for permanent or short-term display. For more information please call Major Jimmy Kilbourne at 540-332-8939, extension #31.




Opening Holes Played In Rain


    The 3rd Annual Colonel Herbert L. Turner Golf Tournament was played at Ingleside Resort and Conference Center, Staunton, Virginia on Friday, September 27, 2002.  Fifty two golfers braved the wet conditions  to compete in this team format for beautiful crystal bowles and vases.  Other door prizes were also offered during the buffet luncheon held after play.  Despite the wet conditions, some very impressive scores were turned in.  Listed below, are the names of the winners:


First Place Team With a Score of 17 Under Par (55)

LTC B. Rogers, SFC M. Hairfield, SFC D. Bostic, SFC K. Inman


Second Place Team With a Score of 15 Under Par (57)

COL B. Faulconer, Mr. G. Howard, Mr. A. Persinger, Mr. A. Costan


Third Place Team With a Score of 12 Under Par (60)

Mr. T. Hawkins, Mr. S. Hawkins, Mr. T. Cahill, Mr. S. Proffitt


Forth Place Team With a Score of 11 Under Par (61)

Mr. A. Witt, Mr. D. Anderson, Mr. M. Burley, Mr. B. Wade


Fifth Place Team With a Score of 10 Under Par (62)

MAJ M. Fuqua, MSG J. Lancaster, 1SG L. Sisson, Mr. S. Kouchinsky


Last Place Team With a Score of 2 Over Par (74)

CPT K. Hinnant, SFC B. Johnson, SGM D. Bowers, SGM B. Kuykendall


Longest Drive

Mr. T. Cahill


Closest To The Pin, Hole #4

Mr. M. Burley


Closest To The Pin, Hole #8

Mr. A. Costan


Closest To The Pin, Hole #15

COL K. Smith


    Everyone had a great time and we look forward to the 4th Annual Colonel Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament next year.  Keep in touch by using the Regiment web site,, for information concerning next year's tournament.  Hit'm long and straight!



The "Book Report" - Captain Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library

By: SFC (Ret) Barent Parslow 


  We are pleased to report that we had over 50 volumes added during the past year.  Donors included, the Robert Hart family, CSM (Ret.) Robert P. Kuykendall, Dr. Harold Baumgarten, BG (Ret) William "Buckie" Fore, John J. Barnes, and others including yours truly.  Also, other materials, including military gaming sets and magazines have been donated by the Hart family and others.

   Cataloging continues, although it is going a bit slowly due to conflicting requirements on the time of the volunteers.  Over two thirds of the library has been catalogued.  Because we are located in the Staunton armory, weather and security concerns have sometimes caused delays.  These same concerns have limited use of the library and underline the need for a facility separate from the armory, which will allow access to the public.

    We continue to solicit collections, individual books, video tapes (no copies please), magazines and magazine subscriptions for the library.  Any donations will be given priority in cataloguing and donors will receive an inventory of donated items with values and a tax letter from the foundation.   If you have made a donation and do not hear from us, please let us know so that we can follow up and correct any omissions.




By:  COL Robert Simpson, Commanding

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   I am honored to report to you on the accomplishments of the Stonewall Brigade since our last Muster. This has been an extremely busy year for the Brigade, and we have met each challenge head on. We have maintained our presence within OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE, providing soldiers to help secure Fort Pickett as well as Headquarters, National Guard Bureau. This support, although gradually drawn down since last November, is still an important function, and our soldiers still proudly serve.

    A major training event for the Brigade staff as well as for the Battalion staffs was the Brigade Command and Battle Staff Training program, which began with a week long seminar at Fort Leavenworth and culminated in a computer driven exercise conducted at the General Sands Armory in Virginia Beach. Fighting against a World Class Opposing Force, or OPFOR, the various staffs worked on developing their Military Decision-Making skills so as to provide doctrinal operations orders to conduct the battle. I can tell you that we were tested at every turn, and those of us who participated learned a great deal in order to prepare us for participation in the 29th Infantry Division's similarly computer-driven WARFIGHTER Exercise next June.

    For Annual Training our soldiers focused on those small unit skills that are the building blocks for our companies and battalions. 2-116 Infantry with elements of the 1st Battalion served as the OPFOR for the 53rd Infantry Brigade at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The Medical Company, 429th Forward Support Battalion (or FSB) trained at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, undergoing challenging tasks that tested their ability to provide health care to the Brigade. Brigade Headquarters, 1-116 Infantry, 3-116 Infantry, and 429 FSB trained at Fort A. P. Hill. The highlight was the very successful Live Fire Exercises conducted as the culminating event of our field problem. The 222nd Support Detachment, after a week at Fort Story, Virginia receiving extensive training on their water purification equipment, joined the rest of the Brigade at Fort A. P. Hill and operated the water point for units at Annual training. The 29th Division Band conducted numerous performances throughout the year, highlighted by their trip to Bosnia. There they conducted several performances both on and off EAGLE BASE and delighted their varied audiences. 

    The Brigade's greatest challenge this year, and which will continue beyond our next Muster, is the mobilization and deployment of the 2-116 Infantry.  Currently at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the 2nd Battalion will be deploying for a six-month tour to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As part of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, they will serve there for six months before being rotated back to the U. S. for their final six months of duty. 

    The Brigade looks forward to the many challenges of the upcoming year. "Stonewallers" will once again serve overseas and we shall do so proudly, ever mindful of our heritage. Thank you for the opportunity to inform you of our progress.   





By:  CSM (Ret) Robert Kuykendall

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    SGT Ralph Coffman has graciously agreed to let us publish the parts of his diary for the period 1939 - 1945. This covers the time when he joined Co. L, 116th Inf Regt, 29th Inf. Div., in Staunton, until his return home in 1945. Ralph is now retired from his job as Postmaster in Mt. Sidney, VA and with his wife Gertrude has attended most of the 116th Inf Regt Musters. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to follow in Ralph's footsteps through events that most of us now have only read about in our history books. He has added a very personal touch to an international event. It is an honor to publish these recollections and we should all have a greater respect for Ralph and our other special "D-Day" veterans.


   James Yearout was my first Supervisor at Dupont (in Waynesboro, VA) where I worked on the Third Floor Throwing Department where the twist was put in the yarn. Walter Pattie was my first foreman. One week we would work Mon., Tuesday, & Wed graveyard, off Thursday & Fri. then Sat and Sun. graveyard. The next week it would be off Monday, Tuesday daylight Wed. 4-12:00 Thursday & Friday graveyard off Sat and Sun 4-12:00.  This Sun. 4-12:00 was the worst shift I had to pull going in to work at that time on Sun when everyone else was off riding around with their friends and we having to go into this prison to work was a rather rough thing to do.  Richard Alexander and I rode together for a while and many a night I would ride to work and back with him with out speaking a word only "Hello". He wasn't a fellow that talked very much. Later on Stanley Alexander rode with us and we picked up three more riders in Staunton who paid $l.25 a week.

    In Dec. 1939 I had a chance to go on daylight at 3¢ / hour less and took it. Woodrow Ashby was a trucker on this daylight shift with me and he was in the National Guard at Staunton as Supply Sgt. On Tuesday Oct. 1st, 1940 he came up to me while we were working and said "you had better come on up to the armory tonight and sign up in Co. L. 116th Inf. 29th Div. as we are taking in some new ones tonight. You can get your year of military training over and beat the DRAFT, which was to start in Nov.1940. You will also be with the hometown boys that you know Feb. 3rd, l94l the 29th is going to be inducted into Federal service and go to Ft. Meade Md. for training".

   It so happened that the girl I had been going with had just broken our engagement on Sun. Sept. 29, and Barbara had wrecked my car on Mon. Sept. 30 trying to negotiate a left turn off of U. S. 11 in Mt. Sidney. She was learning to drive so I would let her drive home from the Oscar Nebel Hosery Mill at Verona in the evenings. It cost $80.00 to get the car fixed by Gayhart Repair Service on So. Lewis St.  Nathalee Ocheltree worked there as secretary.

    Well, I told Woodrow Ashby that I would think it over until that night. We were riding to work together at the time. I didn't have a car to go up in that night so I called Carver Marshall my old buddy to take me up to the Armory over the City Hall in Staunton, Va. next to the Dixie Theater.

    Another milestone in my life, I signed up in Co. L. 116th Inf 29th Div. Nat. Guard on Oct. 1, 1940 at 8:00 P.M. We drilled one night a week for 2 hours (Tuesday) until Feb. 3, 1941 when we were sworn in to the U. S Army at 9:00 A. M. in the Armory at Staunton, Va.  Arthur T. Sheppe was our Co. Commander with Lt. Charles East and Lt Tom Howie & Lt. A. A. Sproul as officers. We received $ 1.00 a night for drill.

   As the barracks at Ft. Meade, Md, were not ready yet we had to train at the Armory sleeping there at night on cots.  We went to the park to train and also to the Staunton Military Academy grounds. We practiced close order drill, squad extended order drill, had classes on military discipline, health, etc. I always liked for Lt. Tom Howie to conduct the class as he was so interesting to listen to. We ate at the restaurant right beside the Armory. We ate at Chris's Restaurant several times but he didn't feed so hot so it was back to the Original _________. I had my car with me so I could come home any night. While in Staunton, Lineweaver's Chevrolet had a party for us one night. We also had a dance at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel and I took Frances White as my partner.

    On Feb. 20, 1941 we marched over to the C & O Railroad Station with full packs and rifles and boarded the train for Ft. Meade, Md.  Edith Pence (my sister) and Carver Marshall were the only two people I knew that came to the station to see me off. This was my first train ride since I was about three years old. Then I rode to Harrisonburg once with mother and to Staunton once when the whole family had a studio picture made in 1919 before Edith married Lee C. Pence. We arrived at Ft. Meade about ? P.M. and moved into wooden barracks that had just been completed, in fact we had to police up the quadrangle of bits of board and blocks left by the builders.  I had my quarters on the second floor next to the Mess Hall. Life in the army was very different from anything I had ever been used to but it did not take me very long to adjust to army life. It was very cold at Ft. Meade the first month and I remember our first pay was at night and we had to wade in snow up to our knees to another building to get our money.  The paymaster would call out your last name "COFFMAN", you would salute and reply "Ralph S". We were always paid off in new currency. Some of the boys were broke within an hour after they were paid - would lose it gambling. 

    The food in our Mess Hall at 10th and Chislom Ave. was "THE BEST" as we had good cooks, Mess Sgt, Earl Zimmerman, Preston Eutsler, Bud Eutsler, Joe Alley and Jack Reed.

    At night we had a real ball in the barracks singing songs.  Charles Lawrence had a guitar and I played the French Harp so what a time we had. One night the boys kept after me about putting on the boxing gloves so I finally gave in and did. Well, Robert Scott was my opponent and I let him have a left to the jaw and to the floor he went sprawling. He got up and before he could bat an eye I let him have another left to the jaw and down he went again, immediately he said "I've had enough" and started taking the gloves off. Hugh P. Beagle, our First Sgt., was standing by watching and said "Coffman you've had boxing gloves on before" - I could not convince any of them that this was the first time I had ever tried boxing. They don't believe me to this day. (I am left-handed).

    I went to Baltimore one weekend and spent Saturday night with Walter and Madge Herrick (Madge is my first Cousin) I enjoyed this very much.

    I had sold my car to Henry for $500.00 so about Apr. 19 Harold Adams found a good 1939 black two-door Ford V8 with 16,000 miles on it for $425.00 so I bought it. With wheels under me again I had free rolling every night either in to Washington D. C. or Baltimore, Md. and never back until taps on the dot, which was ll:00 P.M. sharp. Sat, at 12:00 noon was always the big day with a weekend pass in your hip pocket six or seven of us would pile in the Ford and head it for Staunton, Va.

   We would not even eat dinner at the Mess Hall we were in such a hurry to get away. Some of my regular passengers were - Steve Kasuba, Preston Eutsler, Joe Alley, Lester Carroll, Bill Smiley, and Jack Reed. It would take 4 hours. to make the trip home.  Sometimes we would come by Charlottesville other times Luray or Front Royal. Would usually start back about 6:00 P.M. so we would be back at 11: 00 P.M.

    Firing on the range was one thing I always liked. We used the M1 rifle with 16 shots rapid fire in one minute.  I made Marksman the first time of firing on the range using 10 inch bulls eye at two & three hundred yards.  Later on in England I made Sharp Shooter on the same size targets, missing Expert Rifleman by only two points.

   Another milestone in my life occurred on the weekend I came home in June of 1941. John Bill Crawford, (a man who used to help us butcher in the early 1920's) who lived next to Mr. Harrison Moyers, died of a heart attack. The funeral was held on Sun June 1941.  Rev. P. J. Bane Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church asked me if I would drive him down to the Crawford house for a brief service at the residence before going to the Salem Church for the funeral, so I consented, well, who cornered me up in the front yard but a neighbor of Mr. Crawford's by the name of Gertrude Moyers, who was living on my mother's home place.  One thing I remember asking her was how her brother, Jr. Moyers, was getting along in Missouri in the Army. Well, this meeting soon ended but not for long because who was waiting on the south side of the church lawn next to the cemetery when the family and friends started to the cemetery for the burial service but Nannie Catherine Gertrude again and I didn't make it to the cemetery as a result of this meeting. This was the beginning of a long run - she tracked me across several continents an ocean (Atlantic) and several states before getting the lasso on to stay. The chase lasted over 4 years.

    Our first encampment was to Camp A. P. Hill, Va. in July of 1941 at which time we stayed ten days and slept in squad tents (6 to a tent).  This was a nice outing and the week there was fine, but we were glad to return to our base camp, which was Ft. Meade, Md.

    It was in July of 1941 that Burton Bowers and I went to New York City one weekend with Nevin Hampshire on Park Avenue. It was a hot weekend but we had a good time.  We took Nevin's sister along and drove around over New York Saturday Night. Betty and I went to church on Sunday morning.

     Our training at Ft. Meade consisted of close order drill, combat tactics, night problems, bayonet drill, lectures, etc.  In Sept of l941 we left Fort Meade again and headed for Camp A. P. Hill once more and stayed there two weeks doing fieldwork and then headed for North Carolina maneuvers. We pitched our squad tents in a field where the cotton had just been picked. This was our first taste of an extended stay in the field. With maneuvers over we packed up on the evening of Dec. 6, 1941 and laid out in a windy field until midnight and climbed aboard 6X6 Army trucks and headed back toward Fort Meade, Md., once again looking forward to being discharged from the Army on Feb. 3, 1942 with our year of training over with. This thought soon came to an end because just as we arrived at South Hill, Va, about dark on the evening of Dec 7, 1941 we heard that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, sinking several battleships and damaging many other craft.  We spent the night at South Hill in pup tents and continued on to Fort Meade, Md. the next day arriving about dark. It sure was good to get back in barracks once again and get a hot shower and sleep between clean sheets for a change.

    About a week after we got in I got a ten day furlough to go home for Christmas. When the furlough was over I had memories of a nice time at home including eating Christmas dinner at Gertrude Moyers' home, and Mr. Moyer making the comment when we just set down to the table that the turkey that was being served was one that hadn't been doing too well with the flock.


Note From The Editor

We will hear more from Sgt Coffman's Diary in future issues.  Today's issue covers the period 1939 to 1941.




  It is the plan of the Foundation to inform all readers of the passing of our comrades.  In order to accomplish this, we need the assistance of all readers.




As of this publication, the following are the only known losses from the ranks of the 116th Infantry Regiment since the Muster.


LTC (R) Donald Mundy - HHC 3-116th



Staunton Unit Among Several From Virginia National Guard To Deploy

From Richmond Newsleader, January 6, 2003

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STAUNTON -- Amid the camouflage uniforms and gear spread out across the gymnasium floor of the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory, Ammunitions Spec. Sara Davis said she won't look forward to missing her son Ty's fourth birthday should she leave for federal duty during the next year.

    Davis is among 190 National Guard soldiers of the 429th Forward Support Battalion's Headquarters and Support Company in Staunton who could be mobilized to protect Washington, D.C.-area military bases.

    "Babies grow up so fast," said Davis. "I'll miss Easter and Thanksgiving with him."

  But Davis, a Bridgewater