2007 Muster Events



Family Readiness                      Training for Family Members                                        0800 - UTC

Group Training


Parade                                     Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Staunton                1100 - 1200



5K Race:                                  Starting in front of the Armory and running through        1400 - 1600

                                    Gypsy Hill Park 



Spa Time                                  A relaxing time for family members In the Colonnade     1400 - 1600

Room of the Stonewall Jackson Hotel                                                              


Social:                                      Receiving Line, Cocktails, and Music                            1800 - 1900


Dinner:                                     Provided by the Stonewall Jackson Hotel                      1900 - 2000


Business:                                  Speaker, In-Memoriam to Departed Comrades,           2000 - 2100

Superior Unit Award, Update on Regiment and

116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team


Entertainment                            Country Music and popular music from a live                2100 - 2300




Other Information


Dress:                           Dinner:

                        Civilian- Semi Formal or Business Suits/Attire

                         Military- Blues, Greens, or Equivalent

                                    Other Events



Cost:                            $10.00 per person-payable in advance.  Please return your check  payable to the

116th Infantry Regiment no later than November 1, 2007.


Lodging:                       Available at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel (540) 885-4848


Childcare                      Provided at no cost.

                        5 years and up: Lock in at Gypsy Hill Park Rec Center

                        Below 5 years: On site child care at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel