The Stonewall News
A Publication of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Summer 2001
Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of Contents
Foundation Publishes First Newsletter 116th Regimental Muster, Sat. 10 November 2001
116th Museum Continues to Grow Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament Announced
Foundation President Comments
BY: COL "Buddy" Faulconer
Notes From The Honorary Colonel of the Regiment
BY: MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon
Stonewall Brigade Update
BY: COL Ronald Young
Normandy Allies' Student Tour Successful
BY: LTC (Ret) Pete Combee
LRP Committee Chairman Report
BY: MG (Ret) Dave McDaniel
Your Gift is Important

Foundation Publishes First Newsletter

The President of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. is pleased to publish what we hope to be a quarterly newsletter as a communications link for members of the Regiment. In this publication it is the intent of the Newsletter Committee to publish current Brigade news, Regimental history, and Brigade, Regimental and Foundation activity information.

Although there is no set timetable for its publication, the Committee will accept articles of this type from any source and publish it in the next publication. Please send your proposed articles or ideas for an article to Kent Carter at 105 Lakasie Drive, Farmville, VA 23901 or e-mail address

116th Regimental Muster, Sat. 10 November 2001

Mark your calendar today for the 34th Annual Regimental Muster scheduled for Saturday, 10 November 2001 at the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory in Staunton, Virginia.

Although the program isn't set, the day will offer activities for the young and old alike with the annual 5K Run, Golf Tournament and as always, the social hour and banquet with a well-known speaker.

Information and invitations will be mailed in early October. If you are not on the Brigade mailing list, have had a change of address, or know someone who should be on the mailing list, use the form found at the end of this publication to respond.

116th Museum Continues to Grow

Hardly a month goes by that someone doesn't donate or place on loan an item of interest to the 116th Museum located in the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory.

As visitors stop by to tour the museum, they are amazed at the collection of memorabilia and often comment that they own or know someone who possesses items which could be housed and kept for future generation's interest in the museum.

Your foundation activity solicits items for the museum and would be happy to accept them as gifts or loans. The items are cataloged, properly marked, and exhibited appropriately with credit given to the donor.

Please call the 116th Brigade Logistics Officer (S-4), Major Kilbourne, if you have or know someone who has such items. (540) 332-7741.

Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament Announced

The second annual Herbert L. Turner Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, 9 November 2001 at Gypsy Hill Golf Course, Staunton, Virginia. This tournament is a 4-man Captain's Choice format and will be held to solicit financial support for the Foundation. Great prizes will be awarded, including a "hole-in-one" contest for a new car. You will want to put this special event on your calendar. A tournament application is included in this newsletter. POC is Kent Carter at (804) 223-2445.

Foundation President Comments

BY: COL "Buddy" Faulconer

Since this is the first issue of our newsletter, I would like to give you a quick overview of our Foundation and some of the vision for our future. The 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation is a non-profit foundation organized under the provisions of IRC Section 501(c)3. Our charter includes the mission to support the furthering of eduction about the 116th Infantry Regiment (USARS) and the 116th Infantry Brigade ("The Stopnwall Brigade") - the 1st Brigade of the 29th ID(L) VaARNG. Our Trustees are elected for terms of three years, and our officers are elected annually. The board meets at least quarterly, usually following the quarterly meeting of the 116th Infantry Regiment. Currently our board has twenty Active Trustees, and several Honorary Trustees as well as Associate Trustees.

Our Foundation has appointed standing committees as well as several major functioning activities. Currently our two major activities are the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum, located on the second floor of the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory in Staunton, and the CPT Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library, located on the first floor of the armory. We are extremely lucky to have these two very special facilities under our banner to draw upon both from historical as well as functional perspectives. The library got its initial start and funding through the gracious donations of the parents of CPT Randolph P. Hart, with over 1,000 volumes that were the personal collection of CPT Hart. The library has continued to grow to over 1,200 volumes, with additions of books, journals, papers, videos, and other multimedia materials through donations and purchases. We continue to update the library through the efforts of SFC (Ret) Barent Parslow, who volunteered to take on the very demanding job of updating the inventory and cataloguing process and "checkout" procedures. He has done a fantastic job of continuing to move us forward in this process, including obtaining the complete reading list of the Chief of Staff of the Army, GEN Eric Shenseki.

The 116th Infantry Regiment Museum is unique due to many different types of holdings. Through the efforts of MAJ Jimmy Kilbourne, Mr. John Simmons, and LTC (Ret) Pete Combee, who sit on our board and have given many hours in collecting, cataloguing, developing the displays, and making the display cases, we have on display items from the Civil War through the current era. Among some of the more unique items we have are: the original, personal copy of MAJ Thomas D. Howie's operations order for D-Day complete with his annotations; the artifacts and weapons from several different wars; flags including the Regimental Colors with all 33 Battle Streamers; personal artifacts and mementos of former Secretary of the Army, John O. Marsh, Jr., the longest serving Secretary of the Army, who served in the 116th Infantry Regiment. Many people have donated items that we have archived, and will look forward to displaying as we can expand our facility in the future. We welcome donations of collections including individual items, pictures, documents, and other types of artifacts.

Notes From The Honorary Colonel of the Regiment

BY: MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon

The 116th Infantry Regiment ("The Stonewall Brigade") and Foundation have been making final plans for the thirty-fourth annual muster in Staunton on Saturday, November 10, 2001. An outstanding speaker has been invited and plans for many significant awards and presentations are being made.

The First Brigade has had another outstanding year under the leadership of Colonel Ronald Young. The activities are enumerated elsewhere in this newsletter and will be presented in more detail at the Muster. I attended the First Brigade, 29th ID (L) Family/VIP day at Fort Pickett on July 19, 2001, and the Brigade provided a most informative and interesting day, including an Air Assault attack demonstration.

The Foundation has also had a most productive year under the leadership of Colonel Charles "Buddy" Faulconer. The trustees continue to be a dedicated and hard-working group with the Foundation at heart. The addition of a new group of trustees this year has greatly enhanced this group.

One of the most exciting activities has been the formulation of the Long-Range Planning Committee under the leadership of Major General (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel. The committee has met several times, and you will be pleased and excited to learn of their plans. This newsletter is one of the results of this committee's efforts. They are to be congratulated on their activities.

Progress continues to be made on the 116th Infantry Museum and the Captain Randolph P. Hart Memorial Library. Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Barent Parslow has assumed the responsibility for the Hart Library and, in addition to recording the collection in a database, is generating great plans for the improvement of the library. Major Jimmy Kilbourne continues in his role as Historian and the museum continues to expand.

Also, the Normandy Allies Group, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Pete Combee and Major Kilbourne. You will also be pleased to hear of the activities and plans of this worthwhile group.

The Regiment was saddened recently by the passing of Lieutenant General (Ret.) John G. Castles, former Adjutant General of Virginia and Commander, 116th Separate Infantry Brigade. Also, I report to you the passing of CW4 (Ret.) Paul "Bo" Wheeler of Winchester, formally the Property Book Officer of the 3rd Battalion, ll6th Infantry. Both were strong supporters of the Regiment, and we want to express our sincere and deep sympathy to the families of these two great 116th'ers.

As you can see, the Regiment and the Foundation have been busy over the past year. I hope to see each of you and your guests in November. Please advise any of your friends who may not be on the mailing list.

It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Honorary Colonel and I look forward to a successful Muster and 2001.

Stonewall Brigade Update

BY: COL Ronald Young, Brigade Commander

The "Stonewall Brigade" has completed its annual training period for 2001 with highly successful rotations at Camp Blanding, Florida, Germany, Fort A. P. Hill, and Fort Pickett. The Brigade participated in force on force training against the 53rd ESB, provided maintenance for Army units in Germany, did live fire exercises, had soldiers compete for the Expert Infantry Badge, and train to improve their skills as light leaders or light fighters.

The Brigade was privileged to participate in the D-Day Memorial dedication in Bedford on 6 June. Over 100 soldiers from the Division, to include the CG, Major General Blum and members of Co A 1-116, Bedford were afforded the opportunity to assist the D-Day veterans and provide a rim of the modern day soldiers around the beachhead of the memorial. The soldiers were extremely proud to be given the experience to meet, hear, and relate to the veterans of WW II. The same time this was occurring in Virginia, the 3RD Battalion held a memorial service at Camp Blanding. The 29th Division had been stationed at Camp Blanding in September 1942 before shipping overseas. A monument at Camp Blanding marks that event. The 3rd Battalion invited all 29th Division Association members in the Chapter to attend. The battalion formation was held and the Bn Commander, LTC Bill Phillips and representatives of the 29th Division Association laid a wreath of the 29th division patch at the memorial marker site. It was an extremely impressive event for the soldiers of the battalion and veterans in attendance.

The 1st Bde has had a safe and extremely demanding annual training period this summer. But as with the 1st Bde, every soldier continues to the next mission with the motto "EVER FORWARD"

The First Brigade has had a safe and extremely demanding annual training period this summer. But, as always with the First Brigade, every soldier continues to the next mission with the motto. "EVER FORWARD".

Normandy Allies' Student Tour Successful

BY: LTC (Ret) Pete Combee

Once again the Regiment Foundation sponsored a $500.00 scholarship for a student to attend the 2001 educational experience with Normandy Allies. Normandy Allies is a non-profit organization created to perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices and contributions made by American military forces together with the people of Normandy as they strove to liberate this historic region of France from the Nazis in 1944 during World War II. The students and staff were the guests of the Regiment for 2 nights in the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory during their visits to the National D-Day Memorial, VMI, and the George Marshall Foundation. Their 15 day educational experience started in Staunton then moved to the Washington DC and Baltimore areas including visits with the US Navy Memorial Foundation and a visit aboard the SS John W. Brown Liberty Ship.

There were 12 Students in this year's experience with one High School History Teacher and 7 additional adult travelers. The group departed for London on 13 July with scheduled visits to Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms and Bletchley Park, the home of the Enigma Decoders.

The highlight of the trip was the final 8 days in France to visit the D-Day sights and experience the history. Visits were conducted at Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, Pont de Hoc, St. Mere Eglise, and Pegasus Bridge. The group had the opportunity to hear from the "witnesses", the French that lived as young people in the Normandy area during the German Occupation and D-day. The witnesses were with the group in Vierville and St. Jean de Savigny. Visits were conducted at St. Lo on the 57th anniversary of the liberation of the city. This event takes place at the Thomas D. Howie Memorial. It was a great honor to be present as the city honored the Major of St. Lo.

The group of students this year was wonderful. Many, if not all, had family ties to D-day and were genuinely interested in the history of D-Day and the follow on days. They were very familiar with the overall history of the event that for me was gratifying to know that there are young people with that level of interest and desire. I can honestly say that all the students come away from this experience changed. It is interesting that almost all will state the visit to the US Cemetery in Normandy is the most moving moment of the entire trip. That one place certainly culminates all they have seen and experienced and represents the sacrifice that they have heard so much about over the course of the 15-day experience. The Regiment can be proud of their support to Normandy Allies and the efforts to perpetuate the memory of D-Day.

LRP Committee Chairman Report

BY: MG (Ret) Dave McDaniel

The 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation Board, while in a meeting several months ago pondering the question of future expansion of the 116th Infantry Museum and Hart Memorial Library, appointed a committee to look at a long range plan for the Foundation concerning these activities. MG (Ret) Dave McDaniel was asked to chair that committee and was to report back to the Foundation Board on a five to ten year plan for enhancing the museum and library, and expanding the activities of the Foundation. A committee was appointed from the Foundation Board and they went to work reviewing the Foundation charter, assessing the future of the museum and library, and developing a plan to expand the participation of members of the 116th Infantry Regiment in the museum, library and Foundation activities.

The Planning Committee has initiated this Foundation newsletter to keep 116th members more aware of what's happening with the present First Brigade, the 116th Infantry Regiment and the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation and to solicit support for the ongoing and upcoming projects.

Because of limited space in the present museum and library located in the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory, the committee met with the City of Staunton to discuss the location of a new building to house the museum and library. The City of Staunton is very enthusiastic about a new museum and library and has pledged support to this project. Plans are under way to meet with a consultant on fund raising to support the construction of a separate museum and library dedicated to this famous Regiment. The Foundation Board is seeking volunteers from the Regiment to work on this project.

In anticipation of a larger museum and library the committee is also developing a plan to contact present and former members of the Regiment to obtain items with 116th historical significance. This would include pictures, books, letters, artifacts, weapons, uniforms, etc.

The committee appeals to you as a member or former member of the 116th Infantry Regiment to contact us with your ideas and comments. We believe that a regiment with such an outstanding history of service to this nation, (and even before we were a nation), for over 250 years, deserves to be recognized to posterity with an appropriate museum and library.


It is the plan of the Foundation to inform all readers of the passing of our comrades. In order to accomplish this, we need the assistance of all readers. THAT'S YOU!! As of this publication, the following are the only known losses from our ranks:

LTG (Ret) John G. "Jack" Castles

COL (Ret) Herbert Figg

CW4 (Ret) Paul "Bo" Wheeler

If any of you know of any additional personnel who have departed during the year 2001, please notify us at the address on the back page of this newsletter.

Your Gift is Important

As you have read in this newsletter, another exciting year in the life of the 116th Infantry Regiment and the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. is in progress. We, at the Foundation are very excited about what the remainder of this year will bring and what is yet to come for 2002.

One of the reasons for our success is the constant support of the membership of the regiment. Your willingness to give of your time, talents, and finances is a vital component of that success. Without you, the heritage of the famed 116th Infantry Regiment cannot be passed along to the future 116th'ers.

We are writing you today to ask for your help. Consider making a gift to the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. This year, all gifts will go toward educating the public about the honors and lineage of the Regiment through improvements in our Museum and the Randolph P. Hart Memorial Library.

Just how important is your $25, $50, $100, or even $500 gift? Realistically, the amount of money the Foundation raises in a year is less than most similar foundations. We need everyone's help to keep the Foundation's ability to support the Regiment alive, not just the donations of one or two individuals. Every gift counts whatever its size.

Remember, the Foundation is a Section 501c(3) foundation and you can make a tax deductible gift by sending a check, made out to the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc., to the attention of Barent Parslow, Treasurer, Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory, 500 Thornrose Avenue, Staunton, Virginia 24401-0500.

With your help, we can make sure the 116th Infantry Regiment "the Stonewall Brigade" is known and honored worldwide. Please look into your heart and give generously.

Regiment Pages
Regiment, Lineage, Links, Medal of Honor, Muster, Golf, News, Race, Site Map

1st Brigade 29 ID (L) Pages
Brigade, History,

116th Inf. Regt. Foundation Pages
Foundation, Board, Calendar, Donations, Library, Museum, Officers,

Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated November 13, 2001
Copyright 2001