The Stonewall News
A Publication of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Winter 2002
Volume 1 Issue 2
Serving the 116th Infantry Regiment and Its Members Worldwide
Brigadier General (Ret) William G. "Buckie" Fore, Jr., Publisher
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Lewis "Kent" Carter, Editor
Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent "Hobie" Parslow, Web Editor

Table of Contents

34th Muster a Great Success
By: MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon
Foundation Opens a Web-Site
Normandy Allies Program - 2002
By Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Pete Combee
Additional Notes from the Honorary Colonel
By:  Major General (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon
CPT Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library
By: Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent Parslow
Your Foundation - Past, Present, and Future
By: Colonel Charles "Buddy" Faulconer
Long-Range Planning Committee Report
By: Major General (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel
2nd Annual COL Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament a Great Success
By: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Lewis "Kent" Carter 
Foundation Treasurer’s Report
By: Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent Parslow 
"The Stonewall Brigade" (1742 - 2001)
By: Colonel Ronald Young
Bike Raffle, 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. 

By: MG (Ret) Wendell L. Seldon

The 116th Infantry Regiment ("STONEWALL BRIGADE") and 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. just completed the 34th Annual Muster at the Thomas D. Howie Armory in Staunton on Saturday, November 10, 2001. The event was deemed a success, due to the combined efforts of many dedicated individuals, and was highlighted by the main address by the Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr., former Secretary of the Army. It was a pleasure and honor for me to introduce the former member of the 116th Infantry Regiment, whose appropriate presentation was entitled "A Changing Guard For A Changing World". Secretary Marsh was presented a print by James Dietz, entitled "We Happy Few". This print depicts the link-up of the 29th, 82nd, 101st and 2nd Armor after D-Day. We were also honored by the presence and participation of Lieutenant General Roger O. Schultz, Director, Army National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C. The former native of the Iowa National Guard presented a print, entitled "First Wave At Omaha – Ordeal Of The Blue And Gray" to Staff Sergeant Bob Slaughter, who spearheaded the National D-Day Memorial at Bedford, Virginia, the home of Company E, 116th Infantry Regiment. In addition, we were honored by the presence and participation of Major General Claude Williams, The Adjutant General of Virginia. He presented to Staff Sergeant Slaughter, on behalf of the Virginia National Guard, a print entitled "We Happy Few" by James Dietz, depicting the link-up of the 29th, 82nd, 101st and 2nd Armor Divisions after D-Day. I then had the honor of presenting Staff Sergeant Slaughter a Certificate designating him an Honorary Colonel in the 116th Infantry Regiment. Secretary Marsh, Lieutenant General Schultz and Staff Sergeant Slaughter were presented bottles of Stonewall Jackson Wine from the Stonewall Vineyard in Concord, VA. Colonel Charles "Buddy" Faulconer, President of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation again served as Master of Ceremonies. After the welcome, posting of Colors, introductions, and many toasts, Chaplain Joel Jenkins conducted the Memorial Service for Departed Comrades with an impressive candle lighting ceremony. Another notable addition to the program this year was the folding and presentation of the Colors and playing of taps. This event was coordinated and executed by SGM (Ret) Robert Kuykendall and the current Battalion Sergeant’s Major. Colonel Faulconer was awarded the Army Legion of Merit by Lieutenant General Schultz, Major General Williams and Colonel Shuey, for his service as Executive Officer of the First Brigade, as well as President of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. Another highlight of the evening was the 116th Infantry Community Service and Public Relations Award. This year’s award went to Company B, 3d Battalion, 116th Infantry in Woodstock. This unit participated in the Staunton Veterans Day Parade and had volunteers attend a veteran’s organization dinner, providing a firing party and escorts with the Commander being the main speaker. In addition, the unit provided Color Guards for several community events and volunteered their services to local civic and government organizations. The unit also supported a local Explorer Post and conducted integrated training with a local military academy. CONGRATULATIONS to the soldiers of Company B, 116th Infantry. The individual with the earliest enlistment, the newest commissioned officer and the person who traveled the greatest distance to attend the Muster were each presented bottles of Stonewall Jackson Wine. The earliest enlistment was 1938, (Chief Warrant Officer Charles J. Lillis, Winchester).

Our thanks to the 29th Infantry Division Band from Roanoke for providing music before, during and after the Muster. Our thanks also go to Chris’s Catering of Blacksburg for another wonderful buffet. Additionally we offer our sincere appreciation to Sergeant First Class Scott Fielding, Specialist Nathan Shaw, Sergeant Jill Cromer and Specialist Scott Harlow, all from the 1st Brigade, for providing the Color Guard for the posting and retiring of the Colors. For those who could not attend the Muster, we missed you!! For those who sent contributions to the Foundation, we say THANKS!!


As you know if you're reading this, the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. now has a web-site. For your convenience, you can now log on to keep up to date with the activities of the Foundation and Regiment. Many items of information including upcoming events, member information, current and ongoing activities, museum and library news, financial information, and just many more fun-to-read articles are contained on the web-site and updated weekly. You can even procure regimental memorabilia and other regiment sponsored items and services via this web-site. So log on! What are you waiting for?!? There is a lot of information just waiting for you. It is your web site; so use it and direct others to it. EVER FORWARD!

Your web-site is located at

Normandy Allies Program - 2002
By Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Pete Combee

Normandy Allies has completed its plans for the 2002 International Experience. The dates for 2002 are July 9-22. The American Phase will start in Bedford, VA at the national D-Day Memorial, the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory and Museum, and the George C. Marshall Foundation. The group will return to Washington D.C. and visit the Holocaust Memorial and Museum, the US Naval Memorial Foundation, and close with a tour of Washington D.C. A major change has been made to the program from previous years. We will not be going to England in 2002. This was a very difficult decision to make, but we realized that we need much more time in England to truly appreciate that phase. Lengthening the trip at this point is not feasible, so we have chosen instead to eliminate England and concentrate on the two major phases in the United States and France. Anyone interested in deepening his or her understanding of the Normandy experience may apply to go. The trip is focused for students, ages 16-19, but we always have other adult travelers eager to experience Normandy. If you know a student that would make a good candidate, please encourage them to apply. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis, one of which is sponsored by the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation. We may be found on the Internet at, or contact me at 708 Selma Blvd., Staunton, VA 24401.


1st Brigade 29th Infantry Division (Light) "THE STONEWALL BRIGADE"

Colonel Ronald Young, Commander, gave a comprehensive report on the activities of the Brigade for 2001. This information was included on the back of the program for the Muster and is reproduced elsewhere in this publication for your information. The Commander and the Brigade have been very supportive of the Regiment and Foundation. Colonel Young and his staff, along with the subordinate units have provided immeasurable support in making this event successful. Without them, the Muster would be virtually impossible. Again, THANKS!! MUSEUM, HART LIBRARY, and WEB-SITE

The 116th Infantry Museum continues to progress, due to the leadership and efforts of Major (Ret) Peter S. Combee, Historian and Major Jimmy W. Kilbourne, Assistant Historian. Items for the Museum continue to be donated. Most recently, we received a print of Major Thomas D. Howie (the namesake of our Armory) and Captain Arch Sproul during WWII. This came from Mrs. Sally Howie McDevitt, daughter of the late Major Howie and is displayed in the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum, as well as on our web-site. Ms. McDevitt currently resides in Culpeper. Thanks!! Another highlight of the year, recognized at the Muster, is the superb job that Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent K. "Hobie" Parslow has done with the Captain Randolph P. Hart Memorial Library. He has cataloged approximately half of our collection and added 78 volumes. We are most grateful to the Hart Family for the establishment of the library, and for their continuing interest inthe expansion of the facility. Another activity by Sergeant First Class (Ret) Parslow has been the establishment of the 116th Infantry Regiment and Foundation Web-site. For those who have not viewed this informative site, you are encouraged to do so by going to


Two annual events in conjunction with the Muster continued this year. The 10th Annual 5K Race, conducted on Saturday morning, was a success again this year. The event is chaired by Master Sergeant Doyle, who is assisted by numerous volunteers.  The participants were enthusiastic about the race and turned out in record numbers this year.

In addition, the 2nd Annual Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Friday. Great participation, prizes and fellowship combined for another successful event. Our thanks to the organizers, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Kent and Susan Carter
and Sergeant First Class John Lambert. Our thanks as well go to the numerous tournament sponsors.


Major General (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel, Chairman of the Long-Range Planning (LRP) Committee, made an excellent presentation at the Muster regarding plans for the future expansion of the 116th Infantry Museum and Hart Memorial Library. A report was in the Summer 2001 issue of the "Stonewall News" and an article is included in this issue. The LRP Committee, under the leadership of Major General (Ret) McDaniel, has made substantial progress on this project. Interested members, corporations and sponsors are encouraged to support this exciting endeavor. A letter requesting financial support will be forthcoming in the near future.


This publication, "The STONEWALL NEWS" is an idea of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. and has been made a reality due to the efforts of the Committee, led by Brigadier General (Ret) William "Buckie" Fore and Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Kent Carter. In addition, they prepared a News Release regarding the Muster, which was distributed by Lieutenant Colonel Chester C. Carter, III, the Public Affairs Officer for the Virginia National Guard. Our THANKS!!


The Muster, Golf Tournament and 5K Race culminated another successful year for the 116th Infantry Regiment. This has been an unusual year, considering the events of September 11th. As I indicated at the Muster, it is unusual in that, as we gathered, our Country is at War. It is a challenging time, a time of uncertainty and change. It is an environment that many have never experienced in such a personal way. For the first time in over one hundred and thirty-five years, we have taken casualties on our own soil. The values of freedom, our family and our way of life are more clearly evident that it was before September 11th. I believe this gave our Muster a very special meaning this year. This program was a celebration of freedom through sacrifice, service and commitment. To all of those who were present as Veterans, you have provided generations that have followed you a sacred trust, boundless opportunity and a level of freedom unmatched throughout the world.


As we begin a New Year, I cannot help but reflect on 2001 and express my sincere thanks to members of the 116th Infantry Regiment, past and present, the Foundation, and all who made this year a success. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Honorary Colonel, and I wish you and yours a wonderful and successful 2002!

CPT Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library
By: Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent Parslow

For those of you unfamiliar with the CPT Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library we are located in the Staunton armory. Founded with the generous donation of CPT Hart's personal library by his family after his unfortunate death, the library is moving towards its goal of providing developmental support to the members of the 116th Infantry Regiment and educational tools to the Foundation. Since assuming responsibility for the library, we have catalogued 700 volumes, (approximately one-half of our current inventory). I am pleased to report that we have added several new volumes, (valued at approximately $2000), to the library since January 31, 2001. This includes the Shinseki reading list for the first to third levels. In addition, we have procured several volumes on the Virginia Guard's colonial and revolutionary service as well as volumes on the contributions of minority soldiers. All books in the library are available for loan to members of the regiment. All we require is that each individual who checks out a book completes the appropriate documentation in the library.

In order to assist us in maintaining the best library possible, I would take this opportunity to ask those of you with duplicate volumes in your collections of military books, or those who may have a need to reduce your collections to consider giving these valuable books to the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. for the CPT Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library. Your book donations are tax deductible. We are also seeking donations and pledges to support periodicals for the library. Donated books and other materials can be marked to note the donation in memorial, if you so desire.

By: Colonel Charles "Buddy" Faulconer

On behalf of the Officers and Trustees of your 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, I want to extend best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a Great New Year. 2001 will possibly be one of the more remarkable years that history will record.

Notwithstanding the many other events that members of the 116th Infantry Regiment and their families participated in and endured during the past centuries, the events of September 11 probably will be remembered by most of us as the one day that changed our lives forever. From somewhere I remember the saying "change is good," and like most, I have always taken it as one of those phrases that sounds good at the time … someone just seems to throw it out and we accept it. Well, I am definitely a believer in that phrase as far as the Foundation is concerned. As we close out one year and begin another, we have the opportunity to build on the great work begun by Colonel Herbert Turner and the original Foundation Trustees. We have made great changes to the way we are doing business … it is not business as usual for us any more. Those who attended the Annual Muster got a glimpse of what I am referring to here. Major General L. D. McDaniel is providing more detail later in this newsletter, but I will give you the highlights below. In 2001 we established a Long-Range Planning Committee chaired by Major General McDaniel. That committee has moved forward to providing a vision and mission for the Foundation for the future. For many reasons, including reduced accessibility to our museum and library due to the security measures resulting from the events of September 11, the board decided it would be prudent to plan for a separate facility. Included in the vision is the construction of a separate facility that will house the 116th Infantry Regiment Museum and the Captain Randolph Porterfield Hart Memorial Library currently located in the Thomas D. Howie Memorial Armory. Our goals include expanding the museum and upgrading the library to include multimedia capability. We also want to have space for a multi-use auditorium, archival facilities, office space for the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, and adequate storage. This will allow us to provide better displays of artifacts and collections, more public access, and better facilitate the education of the public about the unmatched legacy of the 116th Infantry Regiment. While this project is "in its infancy," the plans are moving forward at a rather brisk pace. We met often in 2001, and will continue in January by meeting with companies that will give us more insight into project planning and timelines, the best methods to move forward from this stage, and how to ensure the success of the project. This is what I mean by "change is good!" We are looking forward to making our facility one that will properly preserve and promote the heritage of the 116th Infantry Regiment. Our plans include proper recognition of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, those who were fortunate enough to live to tell about their experiences, those who made contributions in many ways during their lives including Secretary of the Army John O. Marsh, Jr. and Lieutenant General Archibald A. Sproul, as well those who make monetary, in-kind, and other contributions toward the project itself. It is the last point that all of us can help in some way and we hope each of you can respond in some way to help. We need your help to meet the fiscal demands of such a project. We will be providing you more information during the next few months about specific progress and needs, but suffice it to say, this will be a major undertaking from a financial standpoint. If you, or anyone you know, are able to include the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. in your annual gifting and charitable planning programs, you will be helping to move our project forward. This foundation is a fully qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation. Just as with any other 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, we can accept financial as well as other types of gifts and will properly document these for tax purposes for you or your organization. Don’t forget that many corporations have their own matching gift programs, which provide the ability to multiply the effect of individual gifts. Watch the web-site for more information and updates as we move forward. You can send your donations or requests for information to the address on the web-site or the address on this newsletter. Your 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation trustees are excited about what 2002 holds in store for the Foundation and trust it will be every bit as exciting for you as well. Thanks for your past support of the Foundation and the 116th Infantry Regiment, remember "change is good", but some things need to be preserved and remembered for their contributions to our great heritage. EVER FORWARD!

Long-Range Planning Committee Report
By: Major General (Ret) Lloyd McDaniel

The Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has been incredibly busy since being formed in early 2001. Chaired by MG (Ret.) Lloyd D. McDaniel, the many members have met monthly. We have worked hard to determine who, what, when, where, how, and why concerning the building of a new museum and library facility to honor the men and women of the 116th Infantry Regiment. To help in the process the committee also initiated this newsletter and the web site at Of course we know the "Why". We need to ensure that our friends, our family members, our neighbors (many of whom sacrificed everything for us) are not forgotten. We need to educate our communities about the sacrifices this regiment has made for freedom. As to the "What", our expectations are that we will need a 3-million dollar,

30,000 square foot facility. This will include a museum, regiment and foundation office, library, and multi-media center. We expect to include a memorial garden as part of the landscaping plan. We will also need to fund at least 1 full-time project coordinator and 1 to 2 full-time staff after completion. To answer the question, "Where?" we have established a Joint Long-Range Planning Committee with the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton. Dedicated to educating the public about the influence of various cultures on American farming practices and how that affected American culture, the Frontier Culture Museum has farms from Germany, Ireland, etc. to demonstrate early American colonial farming practices. Both groups feel that this is a good "fit" with the Regiment's museum plan. The Frontier Culture Museum has voted to give the Foundation the land necessary to build a museum. Of course, there is a quid pro quo and the Frontier Culture Museum expects to be able to use such facilities as we might have (e.g. an auditorium). There are many benefits to this location, among which is cost; tourist facility needs such as restaurants, fuel stations, motels; the planned Tourist Information Center; and the Frontier Culture Museum. "When?" Now. We are reminded of the old saying, "If not you, who? If not now, when?" Finally we answer the "How". We are currently attempting to raise the necessary "seed" money in order to continue this project. Although we should have approximately 20,000 regiment members on our mailing list, only 708 members are active enough to keep their addresses up to date. Data on many members has already been lost to us. To correct this, we need help from all Regiment members. If you know of someone not receiving the newsletter, please pass it on to them and send us their name and address. We will include them in the next mailing. Any help is deeply appreciated. With that help, we can move "Ever Forward." If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Lloyd D. McDaniel at (540) 946-9466 or e-mail at . You may also contact Barent Parslow at (540) 885-1878 or e-mail at .

2nd Annual COL Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament a Great Success
By: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Lewis "Kent" Carter

The 2nd Annual COL Herbert L. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament was a tremendous success. Played on Staunton’s Gypsy Hill Course, the tournament drew 9 teams and several sponsors. The tournament was started last year as part of the annual muster’s weekend events and is held in honor of the service and leadership rendered to the 116th Infantry Regiment by the late COL Herbert L. Turner, our immediate past Honorary Colonel. COL Turner’s wife, Hilda, has been very supportive of this event and serves as our tournament chairperson. Of the 9 teams entered this year, 6 were return entries from last year. The defending champions, a team submitted from the State Headquarters, Virginia Army National Guard, won again this year with a convincing lead over the rest of the field. They were Marion Hairfield, Bill Rogers, Kenny Inman, and Donald Bostic. CONGRATULATIONS!! We look forward to having you back again next year as our defending champions. Tournament sponsors this year consisted of a hole-in-one contest funded by Mr. Randy Turner and family. Also supporting the event, COL (Ret) Craig Norman sponsored a hole in memory of the late CW4 Paul "Bo" Wheeler. Lastly, the golf course donated golf towels to each player. Our thanks go to each of you for your generous donations. Okay Regiment members, this is a challenge. We need to beat these guys. So, let’s make sure we get the tournament information out to our friends. I would like to field 25 teams next year. We can do it, but we need your assistance. Information about next year’s event can be found on our web-site.

Foundation Treasurer’s Report
By: Sergeant First Class (Ret) Barent Parslow

As this is my first article for the Stonewall Brigade News, I would like to give all my fellow Regiment members a little background on the Foundation finances. Our fiscal year is the same as the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. In order to meet the newsletter publication deadline, I cannot give you an end of year report but can report January through November.

I would like to thank our corporate sponsors: McCann-Erickson of Washington who has donated graphic design expertise and computer time for the creation of a Foundation logo and improvements to our web site; Staunton.Com for hosting our web site; Visual Addressing for donating software so that we can publish this newsletter on the Internet; Dupont Community Credit Union for a cash donation; Hollister, Inc. for a cash donation. I would also like to thank Randy Turner (son of the late Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Colonel Herbert L. Turner) for sponsoring the hole-in-one contest in the golf tournament. In addition, I would like to thank Colonel (Ret) Craig Norman for his sponsorship of a golf hole in memory of the late CW4 Paul "Bo" Wheeler.

The 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc. began the year with $8,036.04. We have raised $12,729.92 and have spent $10,393.20. Due to the heightened security at the armory, we were unable to do our main fund-raiser, the annual spaghetti dinner. This event usually raises about $2000. However, we do have a bike raffle from which we expect to gross $5000 or more. Our main expenditures were $2,710.79 for the Muster, $1,933.60 for the race and $1,347.83 for the golf tournament. It should be noted that both golf tournament and the race contributed a total of $2,659.69 to the general fund with the golf tournament actually showing a profit for the year. The race is expected to do the same once all receipts are in. We expend about $350 per quarter for this newsletter and $700 per year in our Support of Normandy Allies Program with a scholarship and luncheon. Additionally, library expenses for the year were approximately $1,910.56.

I feel that I must point out the obvious. We do not have a full-time staff. All activities are managed/operated by a core of volunteers who have limited time to devote to additional activities. We need to raise approximately $1,000,000 in order to have enough funds to commence our initial research and planning phase of the new library construction. This will include putting on a full time individual to oversee and coordinate these activities, to include normal day-to-day operation of the current facility. We then will need another $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 to actually build the facility. Raising this substantial sum of money must come from the efforts of every regiment member, many of who have no idea we are trying to build this facility to honor them and their comrades. We only have approximately 800 members in our current database but know that there should be some 20,000 living members, both current and former. If you know of other regiment members who are not receiving this newsletter, please send us their name and address. If you know of any groups or individuals who may have a link to the regiment, help us by explaining our plans to them. You may also advise them of our new web page at We need your continued support. EVER FORWARD!


It is the plan of the Foundation to inform all readers of the passing of our comrades. In order to accomplish this, we need the assistance of all readers. THAT’S YOU. As of this publication and since the muster, the following are the only known losses from our ranks.

Colonel Mifflin B. Clowe, Jr.

Master Sergeant Carrel L. Brooks

If any of you know of any additional personnel who have departed since the muster, please notify us at the address on the back page of this newsletter. Additionally, The Stonewall News is considering running the full obituary of our fallen comrades quarterly as space is available. Please send a copy of the obituary, as published, to Kent Carter at 105 Lakasie Drive, Farmville, VA 23901.

By: Colonel Ronald Young

The 1st (Stonewall Brigade traces its history to the Augusta County Regiment, Virginia Militia organized November 3, 1742. Antecedent units of the Brigade protected settlers against Indians and later the French, served under General George Washington during the American Revolution, and fought in the War of 1812. Serving in the Army of the Shenandoah under Brigadier General Thomas Jonathan Jackson, the General and his men earned the title "Stonewall" at the Battle of First Manassas. The Virginia Volunteers were called into federal service for duty on the Mexican border in 1916 and 1917. Late in 1917, the First, Second and Fourth Regiments were combined to form the 116th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Division. Seeing extensive action in France during World War I, the Regiment earned the motto "Ever Forward", for its reputation of never having given ground in battle. During World War II, the 116th Infantry Regiment spearheaded the invasion of Normandy at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.

The 1st Brigade completed another outstanding year in 2001. During annual training at Fort Pickett, the Brigade Headquarters conducted Operation Urban Fury. During this exercise, the unit trained on mission essential tasks while operating and sustaining in the field for ten consecutive days. The Brigade also conducted a consolidated mortar and TOW training program, which was highly successful. Families, employees, retirees, and civic leaders were invited to attend one day of annual training to observe static displays of our organizational weapons and equipment, an air assault demonstration, and a live fire exercise with anti-tank missiles. Rev. (Dr.) Jerry Falwell, from Liberty University, was one of over one hundred guests to attend. Also this year, fifty-one soldiers of the First Brigade (116th Infantry Regiment) volunteered to serve in Bosnia with the 29th Infantry Division Headquarters during a peacekeeping mission.

Training Year 2001 proved to be a very challenging and rewarding year for our subordinate battalions. The 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry honed their light infantry and leadership skills by conducting the Light Leaders Course and the Expert Infantryman’s Badge testing. The 2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry completed an outstanding annual training period where the battalion conducted several live fire exercises and trained in urban warfare.

The 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry enjoyed a successful deployment to Camp Blanding, Florida to conduct force-on-force exercises against the 53rd Infantry Brigade (Separate). The 429th Forward Support Battalion excelled during annual training as the Battalion provided medical and supply support to the Brigade in all classes of supply. Additionally, the 429th Forward Support Battalion deployed their maintenance company, Company B, to Germany to provide support operations for the active army.

Four companies of the Regiment received Unit Training Evaluations from the State Headquarters. All four passed these evaluations. The 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry and 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry received and passed successfully Command Maintenance Evaluations. Company B and Company C of the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry received the Virginia Army National Guard Excellence in Training Award.


Bike Raffle, 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.

We are conducting a raffle of a Raleigh R300 Touring Bike with Touring Bags and Water Bottle. 100% of receipts go to the General Fund. Help the Regiment and get in on the raffle!

Raffle tickets cost $5 for 3 tickets or $2 for a single ticket. The drawing will occur when we have sold our 3,000 tickets.

Order tickets by sending your check to:

116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
ATTN: MAJ Kilbourne
500 Thornrose Avenue
Staunton, VA 24401-0500

Really want to help? Send a SASE when you order! THANKS!!

Really want to help? Please include a SASE. Thanks!

Regiment Pages
Regiment, Lineage, Links, Medal of Honor, Muster, Golf, News, Race, Site Map

1st Brigade 29 ID (L) Pages
Brigade, History,

116th Inf. Regt. Foundation Pages
Foundation, Board, Calendar, Donations, Library, Museum, Officers,

Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated February 13, 2002
Copyright 2002