116th Infantry Regiment: June 6, 1944

116th Infantry Regiment

Commanding Officer: Col. Charles D. W. Canham
Executive Officer: Lt. Col. Harold A. Cassell
S-l: Capt. Morris Ernst
S-2: Major Asbury H. Jackson
S-3: Major Thomas D. Howie
S-4: Major John W. Sours
Antitank Company: Capt. William E. Lester
Cannon Company: Lt. Joseph E. McCollum
Regimental Surgeon: Major Millard R. Buckley
Service Company: Capt. Charles Powell
Headquarters Company: Capt. Joseph A. Rice
1st Battalion, 116th Infantry
Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. John A. Metcalfe
Executive Ofhcer: Major Thomas S. Dallas
Company A: Capt. Taylor N. Fellers
Company B: Capt. Ettore V. Zappacosta
Company C: Capt. Bertier B. Hawks
Company D: Capt. Walter O. Schilling
Headquarters Company: Capt. Thomas J. Callahan
Battalion Surgeon: Capt. Robert B. Ware
2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry
Commanding Officer: Major Sidney V. Bingham, Jr.
Executive Officer: Major Fred McManaway
Company E: Capt. Lawrence Madill
Company F: Capt. William Callahan
Company G: Capt. Eccles Scott
Company H: Capt. George Boyd
Headquarters Company: Capt. Charles R. Cawthon
Battalion Surgeon: Capt. Robert M. Dewitt
3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry
Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Lawrence E. Meeks
Executive Oflicer: Major Malcolm R. Weller
Company I: Capt. Jack Flora
Company K: Capt. William G. Pingley, Jr.
Company L: Capt. Charles W. East
Company M: Capt. Charles Kidd
Headquarters Company: Capt. Archibald A. Sproul
Battalion Surgeon: Capt. Francis R. Burns

NOTE:  Soldiers with links later became commanders of the Regiment.

Regiment Pages
Brigade, Regiment, Lineage, Links, Medal of Honor, Muster, Golf, News, Race, Site Map

1st Brigade 29 ID (L) Pages

116th Inf. Regt. Foundation Pages
Foundation, Board, Calendar, Donations, Library, Museum, Officers,

Courtesy of the 116th Infantry Regiment Foundation, Inc.
Last Updated December 4, 2001
Copyright 2001